Friday, August 21, 2020





Fundamentalism it refers to a movement or a belief calling for a return to the basic text on fundamental revealed through religion. Which are believed to be pure and contain original values and behavior. Fundamentalism usually has a religious connotation that indicates unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible beliefs. However, fundamentalism has come to be applied to a tendency among certain groups.

The term was originally coined by the supporters Christianity, especially Protestant community who developed into a Christian fundamentalist movement in 1920’s in the United States of America, particularly against modernism and liberalism in religion. Leading to decay in Religious values.  It is a fact that Fundamentalism, without legitimacy and power is mear revivalism. Religious values are threatened by some common enemy which is modernity as seen by Fundamentalist more and more members are recruited into the Fundamentalist fold  with a view to go back to  a calmer, serine peaceful life with religion at the core. Trends within Christianity in the 1920 was obviously the start followed by others like Judaism, Islam and recently Hinduism, in other words, Fundamentalism refers to a global religious impulse, particularly evident in the twentieth century, that seeks to recover and publicly institutionalize aspects of the past that modern life has obscured.

According to Anthony Giddens, the forces of social change that is “High modernity and globalisation

In Modernity and Self Identity,  a book published by Giddens  he argues that  the conditions of late modernity actually lay the foundations for a resurgence of religion.

Giddens argues that as tradition loses its grip on individuals, they become increasingly reflexive: they increasingly question what they should be doing with their lives, and are required to find their own way in life, rather than this being laid down by tradition.

The  institutions of modernity thus fail to provide sufficient structure to guide people through life, and people’s lives are lived in a moral vacuum with a sense of personal meaninglessness. People thus suffer from what Giddens calls ontological security – they don’t really know who they are, or what to do with their lives.

It is in such a situation that religion can perform a vital function – by providing a sense of moral purpose, as well as answers to the big existential questions of life.

In fundamentalism two processes happens one they are very selective and selecting interpretation of text. Secondly strives for a more calm and peaceful situation.

As Antony Giddens said that the modern people often face a identity crisis  and rootlessness among people in purchase situations people with that any support for Solace.

This happened because Secularism stopped talking about religion which creates the vacuum which leads people to look back at the fundamentals of religion or religious text. It can be said that the seeds of religious revivalism was sown by secularism.

Fundamental beliefs and practices promises to bring happiness to modern man, is  capable of motivating intense  commitment among its followers. So much to non believers is denied their right. Fundamentalism takes on a rather aggressive militant form. Hence, killing and terrorism are often justified.

The strength of religious fundamentalism is another indication that secularization has not triumphed in the modern world.


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