Thursday, November 5, 2020

Impact of Globalization on Health Sector

 Impact of Globalization on Health Sector

Globalization is a process of change that affects all regions of the world, in a variety of areas including the economy, politics, education, culture and environment. Globalization is also a process of fundamental transformation leading humanity into a new era. The term is very limited when referring mainly to issues of trade and investment.

 Globalization is a set of  processes by which the word is being integrated into one  economic entity through international trade. This has been possible due to internationalization of production and financial markets and the internationalization of a 'commodity culture' promoted by the network of Global Telecommunication. 

Globalization has  a wide ranging potential to influence all sectors, besides its impact on the pace and pattern of economic development, it has also cast its shadow on the whole human system.

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity". WHO

Good health is central to handling stress and living a longer, and a more active life. 

It is important to approach “health” as a whole, rather than as a series of separate factors. All types of health are linked, people should strive for an overall well-being .

Health is wealth, a proverb we all know, and in order to have a healthy body people like never before, in the recent years have resort to various mechanism like:

  • Follow Healthy diet.
  • Very cautious of food they consume.
  • Strict exercise
  • Regular check up


  • Health care has been of utmost importance from time immemorial.

  • Health care facilities are accessible to all irrespective of caste or creed or gender.  

  • In India, Government has decentralized the health care facility thus enabling all to have equal access to health care.

From the lowest to the Private Owned Super Specialty Hospitals All across India.
Kerala, is an exception to the rest of India, Since 1970’s we see a rise in the consciousness of the population to avail health care facilities, be it Ayurvedic medicines, Allopathic medicines, Homoeopathy, or other alternative medicines for various diseases.


  • Improved Health care facility: Today each and every country is striving to deliver world class health care to its people. In India for the past 2 decades health care has been given due importance. newer machines, new technologies have been incorporated and augmented from time to time.
  • Decentralization of Health care system: In India the decentralization of Health care have been effectively done, from Community centers to Primary health center, Taluk hospitals, District Hospitals to Medical Collages, all these institutions are aided by the concerned government.
  • Private Health care system: In India Private hospitals are encouraged, so the mushrooming of private health care is fast, these institutions often provided personal care, up to date medical facility. That are often accessed by all.
  • Different types of Health care: there are various kinds of treatment; Ayurvedic medicines, Allopathic medicines, Homoeopathy, or other alternative medicines people avail them. Many of these Hospitals are government run hospitals
  • General awareness about medicine and Diseases: the Information and technology have enabled everyone to access about various kinds of diseases , keep themselves aware and updated, they also avail new medicines.
  • Research Work: Unlike yesteryears in the past decade or so medical research are on an increase especially with viruses like Ebola, Nippa and COVID-19. the R & D in many Hospitals are functioning Well.
  • Modern Medical care: New Innovative machines like, Newer Versions of Scanning machines, Smart inhalers, Wireless brain sensors, 3-D printing, CRISPR which is the most advanced gene-editing technology, Telehealth ,VR devices, Robotic Surgery, Keyhole surgery.


  • Affordability: The super specialty hospitals are not affordable to the majority of the population.
  • Price Hike of Medicines: Medicines have become much costlier making common man's accessibility to latest medicines impossible. 
  • Wide Spread of Diseases: Spread of Diseases world wide due to inter continental network of people and increases transportation.
  • Health Personals Issues: often Health workers, Doctors, nurses other work related members are  not treated well and are often denied wages on time leading to a lot of protests which hampers the smooth functioning of the  Hospitals.
  • Quacks & other Fake medicines: along with mushrooming of the hospital many  quacks are found.
The mentioned are few of the impact of globalization on health care.